Cyber Crime Lawyer
Cyber Crime Attorney Trusted experience in criminal defense
Internet law is rapidly evolving, and many computer and technology crimes expand into areas of the law that are yet to be determined. In order to handle cyber crime cases with effective representation, it requires the knowledge of an experienced lawyer and one who stays up to date as the law changes. Joshua Adam Engel of Engel & Martin, LLC is highly involved in the national legal community that focuses on handling these computer crime cases and is one of the forerunners in exploring issues involving Internet law. He has written a number of law review and other articles regarding these issues.
Engel has significant experience representing clients and trying cases involving situations including: search and seizure of cell phones (particularly iPhones); encrypted documentation files; sexting and texting cases; use of GPS devices and location devices for long-term surveillance; smart phone issues (including e-mail and text message data); cyber crimes and government investigations; cloud computing; and child pornography.
Engel & Martin, LLC represents individuals facing criminal charges involving computer and Internet related issues throughout the state of Ohio and the United States. In addition to computer related crimes, the office provides legal counsel regarding matters such as white collar crimes, federal crimes, criminal litigation, criminal appeals and other high-profile criminal cases. Many of the clients are business professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs and other successful professionals.
Engel can be reached at 513-445-9600 or by email for all computer & cyber crime related cases. New clients facing criminal charges should use the “Rapid Response” page to receive expedited attention.