Criminal Appeals
The attorneys of Engel and Martin, LLC have represented clients in criminal before the Ohio Supreme Court and various Courts of Appeals. Joshua Adam Engel and Mary Martin have, combined, handled and argued close to one hundred criminal law appeallate cases, both as prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys. Engel maintains and edits the Ohio Criminal Appeals Blog.
Joshua Adam Engel’s skill as an appellate advocate has been recognized by state and national organizations. He has been trusted to write amicus briefs (friends of the court briefs) for the Ohio Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court by the Ohio Prosecuting Attorney’s Association and the National District Attorney’s Association. Examples of important and noteworthy criminal appeals cases handled by the attorneys of Engel & Martin, include:
- Engel was one of the attorneys who wrote an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court for a domestic violence case regarding the admissibility of a hearsay case. Engel represented a criminal defendant in a 2012 appellate case dealing with similar evidentiary issues.
- Engel submitted an amicus brief in the Ohio Supreme Court on an important constitutional law issue. Engel also represented an inmate before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in a case challenging aspects of the DNA registry law on constitutional grounds.
- Martin obtained a new sentencing hearing for a criminal defendant convicted of arson and attempted murder.
A complete list of reported cases where Engel appeared as an attorney can be found here. In addition to work on appellate cases, Engel is an accomplished author and speaker on issues involving the law and emerging technologies, including GPS tracking and smart phone. Engel’s articles have appeared in both law reviews and the popular press. A complete list of publications can be found here.